Insurance Ireland and FSI call on EU institutions, Governments and EIOPA to address the issue immediately with IVASS to prevent this detrimental threat for Italian citizens and the EU Single Market.
The revised Draft Regulation on limits for underlying investments for unit- and index-linked insurance products by Italian insurance supervisor IVASS will, if adopted, present a strong obstacle to the fundamental freedoms of the EU Single Market. IVASS must not undermine the credibility of the Single Market for insurance and fellow EU supervisors by overwriting the freedom to provide services at national level. The protectionist measures will ultimately be at the detriment of Italian citizens, their freedom of choice, their ability to invest and save for retirement and to benefit from the excellence of life insurance services manufactured in Ireland under the supervision of the Central Bank of Ireland.
Read the full response below.
Insurance Ireland and FSI Full Statement
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Insurance Ireland and FSI Key Messages
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