Feedback to European Commission’s Consultation on Open Finance Framework

Feedback to European Commission’s Consultation on Open Finance Framework

Trilogues on the Solvency II Review and IRRD

Trilogues on the Solvency II Review and IRRD

Insurance Ireland Code of Practice for Underwriting Mortgage Protection Insurance for Cancer Survivors

Insurance Ireland reacts to the Committee for Social Protection's Report on Pre-Legislative Scrutiny of the General Scheme of the Automatic Enrolment Retirement Savings System Bill 2022

Insurance Ireland reacts to the Committee for Social Protection’s Report on Pre-Legislative Scrutiny of the General Scheme of the Automatic Enrolment Retirement Savings System Bill 2022

Weather advisory following recent freeze

Weather advisory following recent freeze

II Submission - CP 151 Climate Change Risk Guidance

II Submission – CP 151 Climate Change Risk Guidance

Insurance Ireland submission on Auto Enrolment

Insurance Ireland submission on Auto Enrolment

Insurance Ireland response to the Consultation Paper 150 on Guidance for (Re)Insurance Undertakings on Intragroup Transactions & Exposures

Insurance Ireland response to the Consultation Paper 150 on Guidance for (Re)Insurance Undertakings on Intragroup Transactions & Exposures

Insurance Ireland welcomes publication of the Personal Injuries Resolution Board Bill

Insurance Ireland welcomes publication of the Personal Injuries Resolution Board Bill

Insurance Ireland appears before the Joint Oireachtas Committee regarding Personal Injuries Resolution Board Bill 2022

Insurance Ireland appears before the Joint Oireachtas Committee regarding Personal Injuries Resolution Board Bill 2022

Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman Overview of Complaints 2021

Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman Overview of Complaints 2021

Central Bank of Ireland – Consumer Protection Outlook 2022

Central Bank of Ireland – Consumer Protection Outlook 2022

Solvency II: Co-Legislators need to enhance efforts to further integrate single market for insurance

Solvency II: Co-Legislators need to enhance efforts to further integrate single market for insurance

Response to CBI Consultation on Proposals to Address Differential Pricing

Response to CBI Consultation on Proposals to Address Differential Pricing

The Women in Finance Awards Ceremony

The Women in Finance Awards Ceremony

Solvency II Review Proposals

Solvency II Review Proposals

Insurance Ireland responds to the Pensions Authority Consultation

Insurance Ireland responds to the Pensions Authority Consultation

EIOPA publishes a Decision on the collaboration of the Insurance Supervisory Authorities

EIOPA publishes a Decision on the collaboration of the Insurance Supervisory Authorities

European Union (Insurance and Reinsurance) (Amendment) Regulations 2021

European Union (Insurance and Reinsurance) (Amendment) Regulations 2021

FSI and Insurance Ireland on Solvency II

FSI and Insurance Ireland on Solvency II

CBI feedback statement on CP131 – Pre-emptive recovery planning for insurers

CBI feedback statement on CP131 – Pre-emptive recovery planning for insurers

Insurance Ireland in Brussels – a very different anniversary

Insurance Ireland in Brussels – a very different anniversary

FSPO Overview of complaints in 2020

FSPO Overview of complaints in 2020

CBI Consumer Protection Outlook 2021

CBI Consumer Protection Outlook 2021

Digital Operational Resilience – Strong Focus on Risks Needed

Digital Operational Resilience – Strong Focus on Risks Needed

EIOPA work programme sets strong sign for consistency and convergence

EIOPA work programme sets strong sign for consistency and convergence

EIOPA’s technical advice on Solvency II

EIOPA’s technical advice on Solvency II

EIOPA calls on NCAs to improve cooperation and transparency in cross-border supervision

EIOPA calls on NCAs to improve cooperation and transparency in cross-border supervision

Insurance Ireland hosts 7th Brussels Roundtable

Insurance Ireland hosts 7th Brussels Roundtable

EIOPA’s consultation on the use of risk mitigation techniques by insurance and reinsurance undertakings

EIOPA’s consultation on the use of risk mitigation techniques by insurance and reinsurance undertakings

A European framework for recovery and resolution

A European framework for recovery and resolution

Solvency II Consultation Review

Solvency II Consultation Review

Centre for Insurance, Risk and Data Analytics Studies Funding

Centre for Insurance, Risk and Data Analytics Studies Funding

The Central Bank of Ireland Quarterly Insurance Newsletter

The Central Bank of Ireland Quarterly Insurance Newsletter

Insurance Ireland welcomes ambitious plans for further capital market integration

Insurance Ireland welcomes ambitious plans for further capital market integration

Insurance Ireland’s response to the AML action plan consultation

European Commission's Inception Impact Assessment on Solvency II

European Commission’s Inception Impact Assessment on Solvency II

Insurance Ireland calls on the European Commission to increase efforts to integrate the single market

Insurance Ireland calls on the European Commission to increase efforts to integrate the single market

New digital finance strategy for Europe/FinTech action plan: Insurance Ireland calls for ambitious approach

Grant available to Insurance Ireland members for UN PRI Academy online courses focused on ESG & responsible investing

European Commission launches consultation on a renewed sustainable finance action plan – Irish insurers emphasis their commitment to a more sustainable Europe

Insurance Ireland launches 2019 Annual Report – March 6, 2020

Insurance Ireland In Europe Key Priorities of the Irish Insurance Industry – EU Brochure 2020

EIOPA issues statement on actions to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on the insurance sector

A lot of queries on household policies coming in as many working from home in the context of COVID-19. Some points to consider

Roddy Doyle in the Estate: Insurance Ireland’s TV Transformative Project

Know your allen keys from your screwdrivers: Insurance Ireland’s TV Transformative Project

Concern about the lack of urgency on the Judicial Council Act following press reports about the impact of claims costs on councils, charities and medical care

Weather advisory: Safety first

Weather advisory: Safety first

An Irish insurance industry delegation to InsureTech Connect

An Irish insurance industry delegation to InsureTech Connect

Insurance Ireland hosts Cybersecurity Roundtable in Brussels to discuss industry & official responses to cyber threats

Insurance claims cost reforms incomplete two years on from the Cost of Insurance Working Group Report

Insurance Ireland welcomes European Commission Digital Finance Strategy for Europe

Insurance Ireland welcomes European Commission Digital Finance Strategy for Europe

Insurance Ireland Dublin

Report Suspected Insurance Fraud