Insurance Ireland have partnered with Brokers Ireland to carry out our first Insurance Industry wide Diversity survey. The purpose of this survey was to understand the current Diversity landscape, reflect where the industry is doing well and identify any gaps to enable future improvements.
This survey focused on three areas of Diversity: gender, nationality/ethnicity, and age.
The results are spilt by small, medium, and large organisations. Here is a summary of the Insurance Ireland & Brokers Ireland results combined:
o 27% of joint respondents have an active D&I strategy in place.
o 39% of the respondents said that D&I is a Board and Executive agenda item.
o 14% of respondents have either a full or part time D&I resource in place.
o In terms of nationality data (where available), 73% of the surveyed workforce are Irish, with the rest of Europe accounting for 23% and outside of Europe 4%.
o While females accounted for 54% of the total workforce of the 230 insurance entities surveyed, they represented 26.51% of senior leadership roles (Board, C-suite for Insurance Ireland, and director for Brokers Ireland).
Insurance Ireland would like to thank all 56 Insurance Ireland member companies who took part in this survey and to Deloitte, our Strategic Alliance Partner, who were involved in the preparation of the report: through support in providing insights on the results of the survey
Insurance Ireland and Brokers Ireland Diversity Survey
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