Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Survey 2024 – Insurance Ireland and Deloitte

  For the fourth year running, Insurance Ireland collaborated with Deloitte to issue the 2024 Insurance diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI) survey. The purpose of this year’s survey is to compare results across four years, since the inaugural survey in 2021, to better understand the DEI landscape within the industry and identify potential areas for improvement. This year, we had 45 respondents from a range of sectors in the insurance industry. See below for a summary of the key findings from this year’s survey: 82% of respondents have an active DEI strategy in place. 91% reported that DEI is a Board and Executive agenda item within their firm. 50% of firms have a full or part time DEI resource (majority of which are larger firms with 250+ employees). 85% of the surveyed workforce are Irish, with the rest of Europe accounting for 8% of the workforce, and outside of Europe for 7% of the workforce.  55% of the total workforce surveyed were females, and they represented 34% of senior leadership roles. 60% of firms surveyed have signed up to the Women in Finance Charter. Please also see our infographic for this year, to find out more about the results. We have also including a Thought Leadership piece from Deloitte on ‘How to Build Trust in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Efforts.

Thought Leadership Article – Deloitte

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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Infographic 2024

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