Insurance Ireland Statement on Third Insurance Reform Implementation Report


Insurance Ireland Statement on Third Insurance Reform Implementation Report

Monday, November 14th 2022 – Insurance Ireland today welcomed the publication of the third implementation report of the Action Plan for Insurance Reform.

Moyagh Murdock, CEO of Insurance Ireland said: “Insurance Ireland and its members have consistently supported insurance reform and collaborated with the Government on its Action Plan. I have always believed that the implementation of necessary reforms and greater stability in the market would deliver clear benefits for consumers.

“Ultimately, reduced costs bring reduced premiums, and Insurance Ireland members remain committed to passing on the benefits of lower costs of claims to customers. This is evidenced by recent CSO data, which show a reduction in motor premiums of 43% since July 2016 and 10% in the last year.

“Much has been achieved through the Action Plan to date but it is important that momentum is not lost. It is essential that the outstanding measures are prioritised and completed for the benefit of consumers and the economy.

“The progress made so far should be underpinned not only by the pending legislation on PIAB and the rebalancing of the duty of care but also increased competition in the market, particularly in the area of business insurance. In our view this will result in a more stable and predictable market which will benefit all stakeholders in particular consumers.

“It is also crucial that we see a strengthening of PIAB’s ability to settle cases so that fewer cases go to the courts where the legal costs add so much to the overall cost of settling claims. As things stand, the proportion of claimants using the PIAB system is worryingly low in spite of the fact that claimants receive roughly the same level of award whether opting for litigation or PIAB.

“We look forward to engaging with and continuing to support the Cabinet Sub-Committee’s Working Group in 2023. It is important the industry is represented in these discussions and we believe we can add value in this regard.”