Insurance Ireland/Milliman CRO Forum Q3 2017 will take place on Wednesday, 20th September at the Spencer Hotel, IFSC, Dublin 1.
Hugh Savill from the Association of British Insurers will address the forum. Hugh is Director of Regulation at the ABI, with accountability for relations between the insurance industry and the Bank of England on prudential regulation, for relations with the Financial Conduct Authority on conduct regulation, and also for taxation issues affecting insurers.
Hugh will provide an insight into risk-related issues affecting insurers in the UK as well as current regulatory demands and developments. He will provide an update on SII implementation in the UK and the issues yet to be addressed by insurers. He will also briefly discuss BREXIT and its implications for the UK and Ireland, as well as other international developments.
The details are as follows:
8.00 – 8.30am Registration – Tea/Coffee
8.30 – 9.00am Address by Hugh Savill on UK industry issues
9.00 – 9.30am Discussion and Q&A
9.30 – 10.00am Networking & coffee
The forum will run from 8.30am to 10.00am sharp.
Venue – Columba 1 & 2, The Spencer Hotel, Excise Walk, IFSC, Dublin 1
The CRO Forum is designed to be a high-level discussion group exclusively formed and attended by Chief Risk Officers of Insurance Ireland Member and Associate Member companies. The purpose of the series is to engender debate and discussion, facilitating peer learning, network building and the sharing of experience and knowledge in this community.
The nature of future events falling under this series will be informed by your inputs and feedback, to ensure the series continually delivers value to the network it is designed to engage.
To register please email before Friday, 8th September, 2017
This Insurance Ireland Event is open to Insurance Ireland members only or by invitation from our CEO.
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