8.00 – 8.30am Registration – Tea/Coffee
8.30 – 9.30am CBI Reviews and Insights
9.30 – 10.00am Networking & coffee
The forum will run from 8.30am to 10.00am sharp.
Venue – Columba 1 & 2, The Spencer Hotel, Excise Walk, IFSC, Dublin 1
The topic for this session is as follows:
Ø CBI Reviews and Insights
The CBI has conducted a number of thematic reviews during 2016 covering risk management, capital planning, motor insurance pricing oversight & governance and other topics. Russel Goldstein of Darta Saving Life Assurance and Niamh Gaudin of AXA Insurance Ireland will start the discussion by giving some insights into their experiences of undergoing recent reviews.
Milliman will then provide an overview of various other thematic reviews that have taken place during the year and some of the key messages emerging. It is intended that the session will be interactive with plenty of opportunities for questions and discussion.
Russel is a member of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. He worked as an auditor for Ernst & Young from 1999 – 2011 in South Africa, Australia and Ireland. He joined the Central Bank of Ireland in 2011, where he spent time in the Insurance Supervision Directorate before moving to the Policy Directorate, where he was appointed deputy head of the Risk, Governance and Accounting Division. Russel re-joined EY as a director in the advisory area in 2015 before moving to his current role as CRO for Darta Savings Life Assurance, an Allianz Group Company.
Niamh is CRO of AXA Insurance Ireland, Ireland’s largest motor insurance company. Prior to joining AXA, Niamh was a senior actuary with the Central Bank of Ireland. Her roles in the CBI included the Policy Division, where she represented the CBI frequently at EIOPA meetings in the run-up to the implementation of Solvency II, and Insurance Supervision, where she played a major role in reserving reviews, and also in the internal model pre-application process (IMAP).
Russel and Niamh are both very well placed to provide insight into the insurance supervision process given their prior roles.
The CRO Forum is designed to be a high-level discussion group exclusively formed and attended by Chief Risk Officers of Insurance Ireland Member and Associate Member companies. The purpose of the series is to engender debate and discussion, facilitating peer learning, network building and the sharing of experience and knowledge in this community.
The nature of future events falling under this series will be informed by your inputs and feedback, to ensure the series continually delivers value to the network it is designed to engage.
To register please email before Friday, 4th November,2016.
This Insurance Ireland Event is open to Insurance Ireland members only or by invitation from our CEO.
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