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Insurance Ireland Annual Lunch 2018

Due to unprecedented interest, we have reached our event capacity and have had to close the registration for the Annual Lunch. We have, however, opened a cancellation list and will do our very best to accommodate members who are still keen to attend.

You can register for the cancellation list here 

 We thank you for your interest in attending this event and appreciate your support for Insurance Ireland. 


Date: Wednesday, 2nd May, 2018

Venue: Intercontinental Hotel, 4 Simmonscourt Road, Dublin 4

Time: 12.30pm to 3.00pm

This is the flagship annual gathering for the industry. It is a great opportunity for all our member companies to meet and network.  

Our Guest of Honour for the event is Professor Alan Ahearne, Director of the Whitaker Institute and Professor of Economics at NUI Galway.

Alan is  a member of the Commission of the Central Bank of Ireland and Chair of the joint ESRI/Department of Finance Research Programme on the Macro-economy and Taxation. He served as adviser to the IMF, as research fellow at Bruegel, and as economic adviser to former Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan. Before joining NUI Galway, he was Senior Economist at the Federal Reserve Board in Washington, DC, where he worked for seven years. His areas of expertise are macroeconomics and international finance. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from Carnegie Mellon University.


Registration is strictly via our online registration tool. 



If you require further information please contact, Ann.oleary@insuranceireland.eu 

For further details please click her for our event website