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Insurance Fraud – Managing Risk and Preventing Fraud

Leading anti-fraud specialists will come together to share their knowledge and expertise at this high profile Conference. The exciting programme features experienced domestic practitioners and UK specialists who work in the areas of fraud psychology, prevention, deterrence and detection. 

The speakers will share real world examples and strategies, offering practical insights that will help take your understanding to the next level.


The conference will take place on Wednesday, 20th November, 08.30am -12.30pm at The Westin, Westmoreland Street, Dublin 2. 

As a member of Insurance Ireland you can register now for free by contacting ciara.whooley@insuranceireland.eu by Friday 18th of October.

Speakers include:

PROFESSOR MARTIN GILL, Perpetuity Research and Consultancy International, UK  

Martin is a Professor of Criminology and for over two decades has been actively involved in a range of studies relating to different aspects of fraud and its prevention. Martin will share with us the psychology of why people engage in fraudulent activity. 


STEPHEN DALTON, Head of Intelligence, Insurance Fraud Bureau, (IFB),UK  

Stephen (IFB Head of Intelligence) will speak about the development of the IFB and the important role that it plays in the identification and prevention of fraud in the UK Insurance Industry. 


MICHAEL O’DONOGHUE, Director, Claimslink, Cunningham Lindsey, Ireland  

Michael will discuss how loss adjusters can help to defeat fraud. 


DAVID FITZGERALD, Head of Claims, Allianz Ireland  

David’s talk will focus on how we deal with fraud, especially in the Claims Department. 


Panel Discussion

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