
Members of the Board are made up of representatives of each of the membership sectors, together with an external Independent Director.

In additon to the Board there are Councils which support the Board in driving forward Insurance Ireland’s strategy and lobbying approach. These include the General Insurance Council, Life Council, International Council, Reinsurance & Captive Council and Health Council, representing various sectors of the insurance industry and the Insurance Ireland membership.

Each year a President is appointed at the AGM and the Presidency alternates between life, general, international member and reinsurance & captive companies. In addition, a wide range of committees and working groups meet throughout the year, dealing with specialist areas and membership comprises representatives of member companies.

  • Ms Julie Sinnamon, External Board Member
  • Ms Brid Horan, External Board Member
  • Ms Marguerite Brosnan, AXA Insurance dac
  • Mr Tomás O’Midheach, FBD Insurance plc
  • Mr Patrick O’Brien, Greenlight Reinsurance Ireland dac
  • Ms Teresa Kelly Oroz, Irish Life Assurance plc
  • Mr Dónal Clancy, Laya Healthcare (President)
  • Mr Michael Leahy, Prudential International Assurance plc
  • Mr Noel Freeley, Royal London Ireland
  • Mr Kevin Thompson, RSA Insurance Ireland dac
  • Mr Stephen Devine, SCOR Global Life Reinsurance Ireland dac (Chair and President)
  • Mr Anthony Brennan, Zurich Ireland