Board and Management Committees

Members of the Board are made up of representatives of each of the membership sections, together with an external Board member selected by the Board itself. In addition to the Board there are Councils which include the General Council, Life Council, International Council, Reinsurance and Captive Council and Health Council.

Each year a President is appointed at the AGM and the Presidency alternates between life and non-life member companies. In addition, a wide range of committees and working groups meet throughout the year, dealing with specialist areas and membership comprises representatives of member companies.

The committees can be industry wide or focus on a specific product and the working groups tend focus on a specific issue to support Insurance Ireland in the technical detail of the lobbying strategy. These are as follows:

Industry Wide (Common) Committees & Working Groups

  • Blockchain Working Group
  • Data Protection Working Group
  • European Insurance Forum Advisory Committee
  • Inclusion Task Force
  • InsurTech Working Group
  • Packaged Retail Investment and Insurance Products (PRIIPs) Working Group
  • Regulation Committee
  • Solvency II Working Group
  • Sustainable Finance Task Force
  • Taxation Committee

Industry Wide Forums

  • Chief Financial Officer Forum
  • Chief Risk Officer Forum
  • INED Forum
  • Investment Forum 

Life Sector Committees & Working Groups

  • Pensions Committee
  • Pensions Policy Working Group
  • Underwriting Committee 

Non-Life Sector Committees & Working Groups

  • Anti-Fraud Forum
  • Chief Financial Officer Working Group
  • Claims Committee
  • Insurance Ireland/OPW Working Group
  • Insurance Link Steering Group
  • Integrated Information Data Services Oversight Committee
  • Motor Data Project Working Group
  • Motor Third Party Liability (MTPL) Working Group
  • Personal Insurances Committee 

International Sector Committees & Working Group

  • Ireland for Finance 2025 Working Group 

Health Sector Committees & Working Groups

  • Communications Working Group
  • Health Claims Forum
  • Slaintecare Working Group

Reinsurance and Captive Sector Committees & Working Groups

  • Captive Committee
  • Compliance Committee
  • Reinsurance Committee

Strategic Alliance Partnerships

  • Insurance Ireland-Accenture Project Team – Innoviation 
  • Insurance Ireland-Deloitte Project Team – Talent
  • Insurance Ireland-KPMG Project Team – Conduct and the Consumer 
  • Insurance Ireland-PwC Project Team – Knowledge