General Council

The General Insurance Council comprises 9 CEOs of non-life insurance companies representing the non-life members of Insurance Ireland.

The Council is currently chaired by Mr Anthony Brennan, Zurich Insurance.

The role of the General Insurance Council is to take ownership of core market non-life issues and ensure that they are dealt with in line with Insurance Ireland’s  Strategic Plan. The General Insurance Council meets once a quarter. Committees and working groups report to the Council on their initiatives.

The General Insurance Council manages specific non-life issues such as safeguarding insurability, combatting fraud and reducing unnecessary costs for consumers. The General Council also inputs into Insurance Ireland’s policy in areas common to all insurance companies such as Solvency II, regulation and the proposed Anti-Discrimination Directive.

  • Mr Aidan Connaughton AIG Europe S.A

  • Mr Phillip Gronemeyer, Allianz plc

  • Ms Marguerite Brosnan, AXA Insurance dac

  • Mr David Lane, Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc

  • Mr Tomás O’Midheach, FBD Insurance plc

  • Mr Stuart Trotter, Liberty Insurance

  • Mr Kevin Thompson, RSA Insurance Ireland dac

  • Mr James Liston, Travelers Insurance dac

  • Mr Anthony Brennan, Zurich Ireland