Advocacy and Policy Development

Emerging legislation and regulation is responding to technological trends that are altering the relationship between industry innovators, policy-makers, legislators and consumers.

Emerging legislation and regulation is responding to technological trends that are altering the relationship between industry innovators, policy-makers, legislators and consumers.

These trends are social, technological, economic, regulatory, environmental and political. Social trends include the rise of social networks as a potential platform for increasing consumer power; technological developments include the rise of automation, digitalisation and new software that promises to transform not only the exchange of data but also the nature of consumer interactions with insurance companies. In addition, economic developments include the major fiscal challenges created by an ageing population, the decline of a job-for-life and the chronic lack of savings by individuals for their future retirement and health needs. Environmental challenges include the impact of extreme weather events and climate risk and political challenges include the potential for governments to respond to anxiety about the future with damaging measures such as; inappropriate regulation and preventing promising new uses for technology that could allow for better data sharing, risk management and customer outcomes.

Insurance Ireland is committed to an open dialogue between insurers, the technology industry, economists, consumers, NGOs, policy-makers, legislators and regulators so that the industry’s capacity to innovate and better serve social needs can be fulfilled.

Insurance Ireland – The Voice of Insurance