Regulation, Legislation & Government Affairs

Current key issues Insurance Ireland is managing on behalf of members include: the impact of Covid-19 on insurance and reinsurance, Solvency II, PRIIPs and Pensions reform.

As the leading representative body for Ireland’s insurance sector Insurance Ireland is the primary point of contact for regulators, politicians, interest groups and consumers. Insurance Ireland is also an active participant in public affairs debates. Insurance Ireland’s team of specialists work with our member Councils, Committees and Working Groups to draft evidence-based advocacy positions which ensure we have a sustainable insurance sector that can consistently meet the needs of policyholders.  The guiding vision underpinning this work is the desire to enable greater prosperity and protection for society through best in class insurance solutions.  

To achieve this vision and to ensure maximum impact our preferred approach is to engage with government and regulatory stakeholders  at an early stage in the development of legislation and regulation – initially at a policy and later at a technical level. Utilising our European and international networks, Insurance Ireland seeks to employ the experience of international markets when drafting and communicating advocacy positions.

The starting point for this process is the contribution of the members of Insurance Ireland’s Councils, Committees, Working Groups and other fora, click here for more information We always welcome input from across our membership on regulatory and legislative issues which are relevant to their business. 

Insurance Ireland – The Voice of Insurance