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Insurance Ireland – PwC Leaders Survey Launch Event 2022


Date: Wednesday, 19th October 2022

Time: 08:30am – 10.30am

Place: PwC Offices – 1 North Wall Quay, Spencer Dock, Dublin 1



We are delighted to welcome our Industry Leaders to the launch of the PwC – Insurance Ireland Leaders 2022 Report Launch on Wednesday, 19th October 2022.

The survey, now in its seventh year has become an important benchmark for the Industry and provides insights into the views of Insurance Leaders on the domestic and international markets, macro-economic issues and key trends including innovation, technology adoption, people as well as ESG.

For the event we will be joined by a panel of experts who will comment on the results from the survey and discuss how these results are affecting the Insurance Industry.



08.30am – Networking & Registration

09.00am – Opening remarks: John O’Leary, Insurance Leader, PwC

09.10am – Keynote Speaker: Sean Fleming, Minister of State in the Department of Finance

09.30am – Economist view: Dan O’Brien, IIEA, Chief Economist

09.40am – Panel Discussion: 

  • MC – John O’Leary, Insurance Leader, PwC;
  • Dan O’Brien, Chief Economist, IIEA;
  • Sandra Rockett, Director Wealth & Corporate Division, Irish Life;
  • Ronan Mulligan, Partner, Actuarial Services, PwC;
  • Moyagh Murdock, CEO, Insurance Ireland.

10.25am – Closing remarks: Moyagh Murdock, CEO, Insurance Ireland


 To find out more or to register please contact events@insuranceireland.eu.