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Insurance Ireland Brussels Roundtable – Solvency II – priorities and objectives for the future of the EU

7th Brussels Roundtable –  “Solvency II – priorities and objectives for the future of the EU”

Date: 2nd December 2020

Time: 10.30-11.30 (GMT) 

Place: Virtual


We are delighted to announce that MEP Frances Fitzgerald, John Berrigan (Director General of DG FISMA of the European Commission) and Stephen Devine (CEO, SCOR Global Life Ireland) will contribute to our discussion.


Solvency II was a milestone for the integration of the EU single market for insurance. Stakeholders agree that the application of the regime is a success. Nonetheless, some room for improvement has been identified. In addition, the interlinkages of the regime with the ability of the insurance industry to contribute to major political objectives of the Union, e.g. the Next Generation EU, the Green Deal and the Capital Markets Union, might require looking at the system from a different angle.


To information please contact natalie.moran@insuranceirealnd.eu