8.00 – 8.30am Registration – Tea/Coffee
8.30 – 9.00am Cyber risk –an insight into current industry practice
9.00 – 9.30am CBI feedback on their recent survey
9.30 – 10.00am Networking & coffee
The forum will run from 8.30am to 10.00am sharp.
Venue – Columba 1 & 2, The Spencer Hotel, Excise Walk, IFSC, Dublin 1
Ø Cyber risk discussion
As highlighted at the February forum we are sending a cyber risk survey to all CROs in order to allow insight into the industry positioning on cyber risk and to allow benchmarking of relative positions on this topic. It is intended that the survey will help to facilitate a more detailed and informed discussion at the forum. The survey will also seek views on the CBI’s guidance that was issued late last year. The usefulness of this survey will be dictated by the extent to which CROs participate so we strongly encourage participation.
The first session at the forum will focus on the results of this cyber risk survey and form the basis for a discussion amongst members regarding the topic, the CBI guidance and the approaches members are taking to manage this key risk.
The second session at the May forum will be an opportunity to hear feedback from the CBI on the results of the cyber risk survey that was issued late last year to medium-high and medium low impact insurance companies. The CBI has agreed to present on the topic and to give industry some insight into the results and key points from the survey.
The CRO Forum is designed to be a high-level discussion group exclusively formed and attended by Chief Risk Officers of Insurance Ireland Member and Associate Member companies. The purpose of the series is to engender debate and discussion, facilitating peer learning, network building and the sharing of experience and knowledge in this community.
The nature of future events falling under this series will be informed by your inputs and feedback, to ensure the series continually delivers value to the network it is designed to engage.
To register please email before Friday, 19th May ,2017.
This Insurance Ireland Event is open to Insurance Ireland members only or by invitation from our CEO.
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