Insurance Ireland Code of Practice for Underwriting Mortgage Protection Insurance for Cancer Survivors

Insurance Ireland Code of Practice for Underwriting Mortgage Protection Insurance for Cancer Survivors

Insurance Ireland and its members want to provide as much choice for consumers as possible in the protection market and at affordable rates. They understand the unique set of challenges facing cancer survivors. They want to ensure that this cohort of customers is given every possible support including a simpler, speedier application process.

At the outset, they want to reassure those affected that as things currently stand, it is not the case that all applicants who disclose a cancer diagnosis are automatically or arbitrarily declined cover.

They are mindful, however, that some are declined mortgage protection insurance as a result of their cancer diagnosis and are acutely aware of the impact this can have on those applicants . In this regard, they have been working to develop an improved outcome for these customers, while also keeping in mind the needs and expectations of the entire customer base.

Working with a number of stakeholders both inside and outside of its membership, Insurance Ireland has set out a Code of Practice to reassure cancer survivors that they will receive fair treatment when they apply for mortgage protection insurance. Where the Code of Practice is adopted, insurers will disregard any disclosed cancer diagnosis where specific circumstances apply in an application for decreasing term assurance in association with a mortgage.

The aim of the Code of Practice is to strike a balance between ensuring that cover can be offered to as many cancer survivors as possible, while also endeavouring to ensure there are no detrimental effects for other customers.